6 Easy Growing Fruits and Vegtables for the Beginner Gardner

  If you spent any time during quarantine dreading going out to buy groceries for the next week, you are not alone! The entire world saw a drastic increase in the popularity of private gardening not just as a hobby but as a practice in self-sustainability as well! This year let us here at MLC Garden Solutions help you get started with some of the simplest crops to grow as a beginner that you will love to harvest and eat at home.

 Here are our recommendations for easy-growing fruits and vegetables for the beginner gardener!


 This plant is, without a doubt, the most common plant that beginner gardeners start with when they first take the step to becoming a professional gardener. With the thousands of species of tomato, each with their own taste and growing requirements, there is easily a variety out there for everyone. Tomatoes don’t require much space to grow big and strong, so begin your plant in a pot if you want to start small.

6 Easy Growing Fruits and Vegtables for the Beginner Gardner


Crazy gardening fact of the day: figs are not really fruit, but an edible, inverted flower that are delicious both fresh and dried. Fig plants grow wonderfully in containers because they keep their roots from growing too large, producing less leaves and more fruit. Plant these seeds in a pot against a sunny wall in March or April and harvest around September.

6 Easy Growing Fruits and Vegtables for the Beginner Gardner


The blueberry is one of the most popular fruits in the world for its delightful, signature flavor and for how straightforward they are to care for in a garden. This plant can grow well either in the garden itself, or in a large container nearby because of their preference for highly acidic soil that can require frequent fertilizing. Regardless, if a blueberry bush is given the proper care, it can survive for decades and provide countless large harvests throughout the years.

6 Easy Growing Fruits and Vegtables for the Beginner Gardner


Lettuce is one of the simplest plants to start building your gardening skills. You can start with either a packet of heirloom seeds or even the scraps from a head of lettuce you would typically toss. This plant, depending on the species, can also be hardy enough to grow all year-round, even in locations with colder Winters!

6 Easy Growing Fruits and Vegtables for the Beginner Gardner

Runner Beans

No, we aren’t suggesting some fancy new species of bean – the term “runner beans” just refers to beans that require a physical support to vine and climb to survive. While many species of beans love a take over entire trellises or walls, these plants can be very swiftly prune and kept at a manageable size, if you prefer. Expect to plant your beans the middle of Spring and add a support system shortly after.

6 Easy Growing Fruits and Vegtables for the Beginner Gardner


Another easily growing fruit is the adaptable, sun-loving Gooseberry! These can be planted anytime from early Winter to early Spring, depending upon your area, and be harvested starting in July. Be careful with this plant – birds love a good gooseberry grown by a Swansea gardener, so cover your bush or baby plant with a mesh net to keep the pests away.

6 Easy Growing Fruits and Vegtables for the Beginner Gardner

Bonus tip: while this is neither a fruit nor vegetable, Rosemary is one of the best herbs to grow as a beginner gardener, not just for its captivating scent and variety of uses, but because it is also a universal companion plant – meaning it will do well and provide support to anything growing around it!