mlc gardens Remin Volcanic Rock Dust

Getting poor results from your Veggies, fruit and plants?

So what was going on?

Ever heard of J Von Liebig 1803-1873? A German scientist regarded as one of the greatest Chemistry teachers of all time. He discovered that Nitrogen was an essential plant nutrient and presented the famous ‘Law of minimum’ which explained the effect of individual nutrients of crops.

Hence ‘Liebig Barrel’ 

 ‘The Yield of Crop is Limited by the nutrient in the shortest supply’


So terms we can understand – you can have everything in your soil but its not working, there is a leak somewhere. The plant is not getting something from the soil it needs.

So the plants/vegetables were not getting something from the soil and the things we were adding. 

Did you know most plant food only puts in 

  • N – Nitrogen
  • P – Phosphate
  • K – Potassium

Good soil is made up of 5 things:

  • Water
  • Decay organic material (the brown stuff, where a lot of science is)
  • Microfauna (Living organisms, Bacteria and worms)
  • Minerals and Trace Elements

Simple soil knowledge for you.

This is where I brought in Remin Volcanic Rock Dust

Although this product doesn’t contain Nitrogen, there is food for the nutrients for the Nitrogen fixing bacteria. No its not a sand and don’t let anyone tell you any different. 

Sand doesn’t have the minerals and trace elements in whereas Basalt Volcanic Rock is rich in minerals and trace elements.

When you add the rock dust your adding all the minerals and trace elements required, so going back to the ‘Liebig Barrel’ leaking, the plant finds what it wants and makes the results.

What are the benefits of Remin Volcanic Rock Dust?

  • It’s an Economical product
  • Helps crops be More pest resistance 
  • Flavor on the crops is better
  • Benefits all types of PH soil
  • Promotes plant growth and vigor
  • High yields

Soils are becoming less and less productive and reliant on fertilizers these days. This product is organic and regenerates tired soil.

Where can you use it?

  • Farmers can use it on their crops and fields
  • Perfect for composting
  • It’s main use as a top dressing to soil
  • In a wormery

The ratios are roughly ½ kg per square metre, which is the annual minimum but can go up to 2kg per square metre.

I wouldn’t recommend in frozen conditions as it can’t get into the soil and I would avoid on windy days.

This is something we are stocking so get your pre-orders in now with our special introductory offer of £19.99 for 20kg bag inc delivery.